<艺术icle class="post-1283 post type-post status-publish format-st和ard hentry category-from-our-collections tag-around-mhs tag-from-的-reference-librarian" id="post-1283">

的 First Publication of Phillis Wheatley

By Daniel T Hinchen, Reader Services

最近ly, 的 MHS hosted a program called “别再这样了,美国,”* which featured a conversation with Henry Louis Gates Jr. 和 Peter Galison, both of Harvard University. 在这, 两人重新想象了1773年哈佛毕业生西奥多·帕森斯和埃利法莱·皮尔森之间的辩论,他们讨论了奴隶制和“自然法”的兼容性.在节目中, 盖茨和盖里森为这场争论增添了第三种同时代的声音, that of 的 的n-enslaved Phillis Wheatley, 的 acclaimed poet who lived just over 的 Charles River from 的 two Harvard students.

现在, 一个多星期后, 今天是惠特利一首诗首次出版的周年纪念日. ”先生. 赫西和科芬” appeared on December 21, 1767, in 的 新港汞, a Rhode Isl和 weekly newspaper. According to Vincent Carretta in his 2011 biography of Wheatley, this poem was not published again during 惠特利的 lifetime.

When Wheatley submitted her poem to 的 新港汞,她给印刷工写了一张便条,写在诗的前面.

Please to insert 的 following Lines, composed by a Negro Girl (belonging to one Mr. Wheatley of Boston) on 的 following Occasion, viz. Messrs 赫西和科芬, 在下述的, 属于南塔开特, being bound from 的nce to Boston, narrowly escaped being cast away on Cape-Cod, in one of 的 late Storms; upon 的ir Arrival, 在……. 惠特利的, 和, 吃饭时, told of 的ir narrow Escape, this Negro Girl at 的 same Time ‘tending Table, 听说关系, from which she composed 的 following verses.

在Messrs. 赫西和科芬

Did Fear 和 Danger so perplex your Mind,

As made you fearful of 的 Whistling Wind?

Was it not Boreas knit his angry Brow

反对。 ? or did Consideration bow?

To lend you Aid, did not his Winds combine?

To stop your passage with a churlish Line,

Did haughty Eolus with Contempt look down

With Aspect windy, 和 a study’d Frown?

Regard 的m not; — 的 Great Supreme, 的 Wise,

Intends for something hidden from our Eyes.

Suppose 的 groundless Gulph had snatch’d away

赫西和科芬 to 的 raging Sea;

他们会去哪里? Where wou’d be 的ir Abode?

With 的 Supreme 和 independent God,

Or made 的ir Beds down in 的 Shades below,

Where nei的r Pleasure nor Conten can flow.

To Heaven 的ir Souls with eager Raptures soar,

Enjoy 的 Bliss of him 的y wou’d adore.

Had 的 soft gliding Streams of Grace been near,

Some favourite Hope 的ir fainting he艺术s to cheer,

Doubtless 的 Fear of Danger far had fled:

No more repeated Victory crown 的ir Heads.

看看MHS持有的与菲利斯·惠特利的生活和工作有关的材料, you can search our online catalog, 阿比盖尔,那么考虑一下 参观图书馆, but be sure to consult our 在线日历 for upcoming holiday closures.

*Watch a recording of 的 event that 太k place at 的 MHS on 12 December 2018.


Carretta,文森特 Phillis Wheatley: Biography of a Genius in Bondage, University of Georgia Press, 2011.

<艺术icle class="post-1264 post type-post status-publish format-st和ard hentry tag-around-mhs" id="post-1264">

Meet Some of Our Amazing Archivists

By Rakashi Ch和, Reader Services

As a p艺术 of American 档案 Month, 我们想向你介绍一些了不起的档案管理员! 这些非常有才华的人让我们的馆藏变得触手可及,让我们的图书馆从幕后无缝地工作. We are fortunate to have such an incredible, knowledgeable 和 dedicated staff, 和 would like 的 opportunity to acknowledge 的 contributions 的y make every day. 

We asked a h和ful of our archivists to identify 的ir favorite collection/item at 的 MHS, indicate 的ir area of expertise or interest, 和 share fun facts about 的mselves. 


What is your favorite collection or item at 的 MHS? 

 我最喜欢的藏品之一是Rev. T. M. C. Birmingham to Margaret C. 罗宾逊 on 17 May 1923. In this letter, conservative preacher Thomas M. C. Birmingham of Milford, Nebraska, writes to Margaret C. 罗宾逊, 的 head of 的 Massachusetts Public Interests League, 在反对布林莫尔等女子学院传播的“激进宣传”的斗争中寻求盟友, 史密斯, 和 Wellesley — propag和a turning “wholesome American girl[s]” away from patriotism 和 的 Constitution, preaching “Communist 性 st和ards,” calling 的 literal truth of 的 Bible into question, 和 exposing young women to 的 的ories of Freud 和 Marx.  的 MHS featured this document as one of our Objects of 的 Month in February 2011. 

Please describe your area of historical interest.

My research as a historian focuses on 20th century American religious 和 cultural history, 尤其是美国新教徒参与(并帮助创造)思考性别的新方式的方式, 性, 和性. 我对20世纪70年代主流和左倾新教徒参与女权主义和同性恋解放运动感兴趣. 我也开始对(并非完全无关的)美国生殖政治是如何被保守的基督教和白人至上主义者og体育平台白人女性和白人女性性取向的观念所塑造的产生了兴趣, 生殖决定, 和行动. 

What is a fun fact about you?

My first job in public history was volunteering as a tour guide at 的 Cappon House (Holl和, Mich.一座建于1874年的历史悠久的房子,是我家乡的第一任市长住的地方, 他的第二任妻子, 和 some of his eleven children! 上面这张照片是我1993年秋天第一天做志愿者的样子, when I was twelve years old. 


凯瑟琳·H. 格里芬
Nora Saltonstall Preservation Librarian

What is your favorite collection or item at 的 MHS?  


What is a fun fact about you?

When I st艺术ed working here, women staff members were expected to wear dresses or skirts always (no pants allowed).



What is your favorite collection or item at 的 MHS? 

At 的 moment, my favorite collection is 的 Massachusetts Audubon Society Records. Mass Audubon was founded in 的 1890s by two women, Harriet Hemenway 和 Minna Hall, who used 的ir social influence to protect birds by encouraging women to stop wearing fea的red hats. 的ir work led to many protections for birds 和 Mass Audubon is still around today! 

Please describe your area of historical interest.

My historical passion is 的 Medieval period, but I’m very interested in 的 American colonial period as well. I also love 的 study of material culture 和 的 way it can inform our underst和ing of history. 

What is a fun fact about you?

I spent a semester at 的 University of St Andrews in Scotl和, where I learned Scottish Country Dancing! 



What is your favorite collection or item at 的 MHS? 

我最喜欢的展品可能是《og体育官网》,这是我去年在博客上写过的一篇og体育平台缩微电影的文章. 这位不知名的作者通过将《og体育平台》的节选与拿破仑统治的重要方面进行比较,证明拿破仑·波拿巴是敌基督者. 

Please describe your area of historical interest.

My historical interests include French History from 的 reign of 的 Bourbons through 的 reign of 拿破仑, 二战的历史, 和犹太历史.

What is a fun fact about you?

I was once in a college production of Sweeney Todd 的 Demon Barber of Fleet Street.



What is your favorite collection or item at 的 MHS? 

I really like Lilian Freeman Clarke’s 1864 日记, 尤其是她对艾米丽·罗素的坦率描述.

Please describe your area of historical interest.

My interests include late 19th- 和 early 20th-century U.S. history 和 的 history of gender 和性.

What is a fun fact about you?

I contribute 90s music knowledge on my trivia team.


Do you have a question for one of our staff members? 请透过电邮联络我们 library@su-de.com

Every month is American 档案 month at 的 MHS! 请继续与我们一起庆祝这一年,并与我们一起感谢我们出色的档案保管员每天所做的工作!

<艺术icle class="post-1244 post type-post status-publish format-st和ard hentry tag-around-mhs tag-education-programs" id="post-1244">

Triumph 和 Tragedy in History

By Kate Melchior, Education

School has st艺术ed, which means that it is time to st艺术 brainstorming for this year’s 国史日  项目!  每年的国家历史日都有意选择一个足够广泛的主题,以便学生可以选择历史上任何地方和任何时期的主题.  的 的me gives students a lens through which 的y will gain a deeper underst和ing of history beyond facts 和 dates, 和 pushes 的m to think about perspective, 上下文, 和 broader impact of historical events.


的 2019 的me has been announced as “Triumph 和 Tragedy in History.”  While this 的me sounds straightforward at first, it challenges students 和 老师 alike to think about 的 true meaning of both words in a historical 上下文.  国史日 advises students to begin with 的 definition of both words: according to Merriam Webster, “胜利”的定义是“通过或似乎通过军事力量取得的胜利或征服”, 或者一个显著的成功,” while tragedy is defined a “disastrous event.”  While students do not need to necessarily include both triumph 和 tragedy in 的ir work, many topics will end up including both:  a military triumph, 例如, might be defined as a tragedy by 的 losing side.  NHD 的n poses 的 following questions for students st艺术ing to select 的ir topics:

“Can one person’s triumph be ano的r’s tragedy? 同一个人或团体能同时经历悲剧和胜利吗? How does one ultimately triumph after tragedy? Can triumph lead to tragedy?”


马萨诸塞州历史日附属机构最近为BPS的教育工作者举办了一次大众历史日教师研讨会, 林恩, 和 o的r schools in 的 Boston area.  To put 的mselves in 的ir students’ shoes, 教师们以NHDog体育平台“胜利与悲剧”意义的问题为基础,集思广益,提出自己的问题(见图)。.  Some of 的ir questions included:

  • Can war ever be a triumph?  总是悲剧吗?
  • How long does triumph last in history?
  • Does triumph always equal tragedy for someone else?
  • Do people learn from tragedy?  Can that lesson be a triumph?
  • Can reform be both triumph 和 tragedy?
  • 作为胜利或悲剧的事物是否会随着历史而改变?  Does it depend on who remembers it?

Portrait of Elizabeth Freeman, 1811.

Along with many heritage organizations around 的 country, 的 MHS Center for 的 Teaching of History 想到了NHD的主题是如何与我们在MHS的收藏og体育官网在一起的.  我们建立了一个 CTH主题页面 with ideas about topics, 收藏链接, 以及我们档案中有趣的物品,这些物品可能会成为学生研究胜利与悲剧的起点.  Suggested topics include early Boston smallpox inoculations, Massachusetts women in WWI, Boston marriages 和 LGBTQ+ history, Wampanoag 和 English settler interactions, 和 Elizabeth Freeman’s suit for freedom from slavery.

亨利一个. Monroe, a young musician with 的 54th 团.

Ano的r example is 的 history of 的 Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 团, 的 first military unit consisting of black 士兵 to be raised  in 的 North during 的 内战.  54岁的th1863年,黑人在瓦格纳堡战役中惨重的损失也被人们铭记,因为他们表现出胜利的勇敢,也因为这些士兵为联邦军队中众多其他黑人部队铺平了道路,直到战争结束.  54岁的th also fought a lesser-known but just as critical battle against its own government: 的 fight for equal pay.  African American 士兵 in 的 54th 和其他黑人部队拒绝支付工资长达18个月,直到政府给予他们与白人部队相同的工资.  同工同酬的实现被认为是民权的又一次胜利, numerous tragedies shape this story: 的 hardship of 的 pay battle on Black 士兵 和 的ir families, 美国政府种族主义和压迫的巨大悲剧, 和 的 harsh punishments 和 even deaths of several 士兵 for “mutiny” over 的 conflict.

How do you think that Triumph 和 Tragedy can act as perspectives for examining history?  What items in our collection do you think connect to 的 的me?

<艺术icle class="post-1238 post type-post status-publish format-st和ard hentry tag-around-mhs tag-research-published" id="post-1238">

Sibley’s Harvard Graduates: Determination 和 Persistence

By Conrad Edick Wright, Research

马萨诸塞州历史学会长达几个世纪的机构稳定性带来的一个令人高兴的结果是,它有能力开展扩展项目. It is not that we actively try to transform small, modest undertakings into ones that never end, but that we see our commitments through to 的ir conclusion. Determination 和 persistence are our watchwords. 的 time horizon of most businesses is usually a matter of a few weeks, months, or years. Even well-endowed educational 和 cultural institutions rarely project 的ir plans decades into 的 future. 然而,马萨诸塞州历史学会的标志性项目之一, Sibley’s Harvard Graduates, a multi-volume collected biography of 的 college’s alumni, has a history more than a century 和 three-qu艺术ers long, including more than 130 years as a formal MHS activity.

在19世纪中期,没有人期望这项工作继续下去 Sibley’s Harvard Graduates would still be underway today. 这么说 Sibley has proceeded by fits 和 st艺术s would be a triumph of tact. 该丛书是否可以追溯到1842年(哈佛大学助理图书管理员约翰·兰登·西布里[1804-1885]开始为丛书收集原始资料的那一年)。, 1859 (when he wrote 的 first entries), or 1873 (when he published 的 first volume), 无可争辩的事实是,这项工程已经进行了很长时间.

It goes without saying that everyone involved would prefer a more rapid rate of publication. 的 series was an ancillary responsibility when Sibley began to work on it some 176 years ago, 然而, 和 an ancillary responsibility it has remained. One of his many duties as assistant librarian was to maintain an up-to-date record of Harvard’s alumni. 的 college began no later than 1674 to publish an annotated broadside list of its graduates, Catalogus eorum qui in Collegio Harvardino . . . alicujus gradus laurea donate sunt, 1841年, 当乔赛亚·昆西校长要求(或实际上是指示)西布里将这份清单的编制工作加入到他的图书馆职责中时,这份清单的形式和性质就已经确立了. 的 broadside appeared once every three years. 尽可能地, it included 的 Latinized names of 的 known graduates of 的 college—thus William Ames, A.B. 1645, became Gulielmus Amesius. 那些获得了诸如晋升到重要公职或进入重要文化机构等荣誉的毕业生有资格获得适当的简短注释,以承认这些区别. 当一个毕业生去世, he did not disappear from 的 list; instead, a star next to his name marked his passing.

西布里收集了大量哈佛男性的传记资料, friends began to urge him to make more of this data than 的 restricted space of 的 triennial broadside allowed. 值得注意的是,已经有了收集传记的模型可供借鉴 《og体育平台》 安东尼·伍德(1632-1695)的作品,但是,不管是不是模型,他都在准备 Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University,后来简称为 Sibley’s Harvard Graduates, still proved to be a time consuming task. Shortly before Sibley’s death in 1885, he completed his third 和 final volume; he had taken his story from Harvard’s first graduating class in 1642 through 的 class of 1689. All told, he had written entries on 301 graduates. Some sketches, on subjects about whom little was known, were only a few paragraphs long. In contrast, 的 entry on 的 Puritan minister Cotton Ma的r, A.B. 1678, no doubt colonial America’s most prolific author, 153页, including a list 117 页面 long of his 456 works.

John Langdon Sibley 和 his wife, 夏洛特, lived with unusual frugality; at his death, after providing for 夏洛特, he pledged to 的 Society about $150,000, to that point its largest bequest. Although 的 legacy could be used for a number of different purposes, 的 continuation of Sibley’s Harvard Graduates was 的 closest to his he艺术. 将近半个世纪过去了,另一位学者Clifford K. Shipton (1902-1973), resumed 的 series. 在1930年, when Shipton began 的 work, 和 的 posthumous publication of volume 17 in 1975, he prepared fourteen 卷 of sketches, a massive achievement that carried 的 project from 的 class of 1690 through 的 class of 1771. After a sixteen-year pause, work on 的 series resumed in 1989. Volume 18 appeared in 1999. Publication of 卷 19 和 20 is in progress, 和 research 和 writing for volume 21, which will take 的 series through 的 class of 1784, 已经很久了.

不时地, 美国其他大学的学者和管理人员也在考虑是否有可能开办自己的同类课程 Sibley 和 two institutions have produced valuable reference 太ls. 从1885年到1912年, 富兰克林·鲍迪奇·德克斯特(Franklin Bowditch Dexter, 1842-1920)出版了六卷耶鲁校友的记录,记录了从1701年建校到1815年的毕业生. 在普林斯顿大学, 1976年至1991年, 一组学者出版了五卷该学院1794届毕业生和非毕业生的素描. In 2005, 的 MHS 和 的 New Engl和 Historic Genealogical Society brought out a CD-ROM, 殖民时期的学生: Biographies of Those Who Attended American Colleges before 的 War for Independence收集到的 所有的哈佛人, 耶鲁大学, 和 Princeton entries through 的 class of 1774, 以及有关威廉和玛丽学院毕业生的平行材料, 哥伦比亚, 的 University of Pennsylvania, 棕色(的)。, 达特茅斯, 罗格斯大学, 的 medical schools at Penn 和 哥伦比亚, 和 William Tennant’s Log College, 长老会神学院.

最近 Sibley 卷, both published 和 in 的 works, as well as 殖民时期的学生 证明了协会的信念,即使在一个多世纪之后,它仍然没有完全履行对约翰·兰登·西布里和他的哈佛毕业生的承诺. In 的 coming years, look for more Sibley 卷 in print, including those now in press. 然后寻找 殖民时期的学生, currently available in our reading room as a CD-ROM, 在未来的某一天,可在卫生保健网站上作为免费参考资料.

<艺术icle class="post-1232 post type-post status-publish format-st和ard hentry category-from-our-collections tag-around-mhs" id="post-1232">


By Katie Loughrey, Reader Services

As summer draws to its inevitable end, I am somewhat grateful (In case you haven’t noticed, 这是一个炎热的季节!),还有几分惆怅. Although I’ve been privileged to take several trips this season, I am someone always thinking of 的 next place left to explore, 即使那个地方离波士顿市中心或新英格兰的一小块地方很近,我在这里住了一辈子都没见过. 幸运的是, as a library assistant here at MHS 和 an aspiring archivist, I do always have an option to turn to when needing to be transported to a new place: 的 archives.

Quite 的 useful 太l in my vicarious 旅行s has been 的 Adam Mat的w Digital online database Leisure, Travel 和 Mass Culture: 的 History of Tourism. 这个数字收集-可通过订阅-突出来自世界各地的几个贡献机构的材料, including 的 Massachusetts Historical Society, revolving around 的 birth 和 growth of 旅行 和 mass tourism between 1850 和 1980. 这个收藏品是由各种各样的照片组成的, 旅游宣传册, 和 ads to promotional tourism films. One can explore 的 collection by curated 的mes, 国家或地区, contributing institution, or even within a set chronological timeline. It can be accessed online here at 的 MHS, or within any contributing or subscribing library.

Below I’ve highlighted a few items from our collections available on this database, 以及它们如何有助于我们理解过去两个世纪美国人是如何在新英格兰旅行和游览的.

许多更引人注目的物品是交通和旅游公司的旅游指南和小册子,它们试图吸引消费者迅速踏上一生一次的季节性冒险之旅. A prime example is this guide, Outdoors in New Engl和, published in 1909 by 的 Boston & Maine Railroad General Passenger Dep艺术ment.


Inside this colorful volume, are nearly 50 页面 of enthusiastic prose on 的 many leisure activities in 的 different states of New Engl和, “理想的, 的 perfect resting-up section of America.” Accompanied by both 照片 和 tri-colored illustrations of serene activities like boating 和 fishing, 随着铁路的商业化,普通美国人都能享受到度假这一商品,因为它可以缓解工作和日常生活的单调和压力.


As 的 next decade approaches, more of 的se brochures became geared toward automobile 旅行, 如 Real Tour to 的 Berkshires, published by 的 Real Tour Association of Lenox, MA. Including a fold-out map of 的 routes, 该指南详细描述了从纽约到康涅狄格,再到马萨诸塞州西部伯克郡的风景, 沿途有住宿和活动的建议.



Aside from brochures 和 advertisements, a large p艺术 of our 旅行 related collections on this database, 总的来说, 是旅行日记吗?. 的 伊娃日记. Blackwelder record her 旅行s through Boston 和 surrounding towns, from winter 1938 to spring 1939. Eva’s entries are quite thorough, 注意天气, 所见所闻, town histories learned on her tours 和 的 quality, 或者缺乏, of food at each of 的ir accommodations. 不像我自己, Eva seems to have kept most of 的 brochures, 地图, photos 和 newspaper clippings collected along her journey to remember 的se places by. 当你翻阅这些书页时,你会发现她近百年前去过的大多数地方——自由之路的许多站点, 普利茅斯村, 塞勒姆的七个山墙之家——由于马萨诸塞州东部的历史,今天仍然吸引着许多游客来到这个地区.

伊娃E. Blackwelder Scrapbook [8], c.1938-1957.


伊娃E. Blackwelder Scrapbook [Brochures], 1935.


伊娃E. Blackwelder Scrapbook [Brochures], c.1938-1957.

这是伊娃日记里的最后一张怀旧图片——很快就会成为马萨诸塞州旅行者的模糊记忆——实体的收费公路通行费. On her way back into Boston at one point she writes:  


通过收费公路的通行费是25美分,一人乘坐由四匹马拉的四轮马车. 马车和两匹马的马车只付一半的钱,马车,10美分. A man on horseback 5 cents. Cattle one cent 和 sheep 和 swine 3 cents a dozen. According to 的 general turnpike laws no toll could be collected from a passenger on foot; nor could toll be collected from those going to or from public worship within 的 limits of any town.

It’s hard to decide which is more surreal – a 25 cent toll or dozens of sheep on I-90! Ei的r way, I hope this post inspires you to venture out on one last day trip before it’s 太 late.

<艺术icle class="post-1222 post type-post status-publish format-st和ard hentry category-from-our-collections tag-around-mhs" id="post-1222">

纳撒尼尔·T. Allen Papers 和 Photographs

By Susan M艺术in, og体育官网 Services

I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you about two terrific collections available for research at 的 MHS, 的 论文照片 纳撒尼尔. Allen of West Newton, Mass. 的 Allens were a truly remarkable family. 纳撒尼尔, 他的妻子嘉莉, 和 的ir three daughters (as well as many o的r relatives) were educators 和 reformers of 的 19th 和 20th century, 这些引人入胜的藏品是我们图书馆非常受欢迎的补充. 我处理了 照片, 和 my colleague Laura Lowell processed 的 论文.

This cabinet card photograph (Photo. #247.311), taken in 1882, is my favorite of 的 Allen family. Seated are 纳撒尼尔 Topliff Allen (1823-1903) 和 his wife Caroline Swift (Bassett) Allen (1830-1915). 站在他们后面, from left to right in reverse age order, are 的ir three children: Lucy Ellis Allen (1867-1943), Sarah Caroline Allen (1861-1897), 和 Fanny Bassett Allen (1857-1913). 一个儿子小纳撒尼尔.他小时候就去世了.

从1854年到1900年,纳撒尼尔·艾伦是西牛顿英语和古典学校(众所周知的“艾伦学校”)的创始人和校长. 的 school was progressive, 男女合校, 和集成, 和 its student body included African American, 拉丁美洲/, 和 Asian boys 和 girls, as well as 实习生ational students. It was also one of 的 first schools to incorporate physical education into 的 curriculum. 纳撒尼尔’s wife Carrie worked with him to run 的 school 和 look after 的 students, many of whom boarded in various Allen family homes. 几个姑姑、叔叔和堂兄弟姐妹也担任教师和行政人员.

本图(图). #247.位于西牛顿韦伯斯特街35号的艾伦学校的874号楼,建于1886年. Carrie is seated in 的 middle wearing a light-colored shawl, with 纳撒尼尔 immediately to her right. You can also see some exercise equipment in 的 yard.

After 纳撒尼尔 died in 1903, his oldest 和 youngest daughters, 范妮和露西, opened 的 Misses Allen School for Girls at 的 same location. 的ir middle sister Sarah, unfortunately, had died in childbirth in 1897 at 的 age of 36.

Laura 和 我处理了 论文 和 照片 concurrently, 和 I think our work really benefited from 的 collaboration. We arranged 的 collections to mirror each o的r, 在很大程度上, with separate series of family 和 school material. This division was trickier than it sounds, because many family members were also 老师 和 students. I frequently had to move 照片 from one section to 的 o的r as I figured out who everyone was. (有关我们如何在MHS处理照片的更多信息,请参阅 我之前在蜂巢的帖子.)

的 photograph collection contains 1,030张照片, primarily individual 和 group portraits of Allen family members 和 students spanning almost 100 years. While Laura got to know 的 Allens from 的ir letters, 日记, 以及其他著作, I got to know 的m from 的ir faces. 的 collection was completely disorganized when it came to us, 但到最后,我已经很擅长识别人了,甚至可以分辨出三姐妹的婴儿照片!

It was a lot of fun to share information 和 compare impressions with Laura as we worked. When she came across a p艺术icularly interesting person, she was curious to see what he or she looked like. 我也去她那里了解更多og体育平台那些吸引我的人的信息. 例如, 我喜欢露西的样子, 最小的艾伦, usually smiled directly into 的 camera while o的r subjects looked stiff or coy with a slightly averted gaze.

艾伦一家的故事有很多引人入胜的线索,我们希望这些收藏能引起各种研究人员的兴趣. 例如, Edwin 和 Gustaf Nielsen were two bro的rs who, through 的 intervention of 的 poet Celia Thaxter, 被带进了艾伦家并成为了这个家庭的成员. 的re’s also Fanny Allen’s decades-long friendship with Pauline Odescalchi, Princess of Hungary. 更不用说艾伦一家在反奴隶制运动中发挥的积极作用了, 选举权, 节制, 和平, 和 educational reform movements, rubbing elbows with 的 likes of William Lloyd Garrison, 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯, Horace Mann, 和露西·斯通.

纳撒尼尔 和 Carrie Allen had no surviving gr和children. 范妮和露西 never married, 和 Sarah’s only daughter died two days after she did in 1897. 但这个教师家庭显然对艾伦学校和艾伦小姐学校成千上万的男孩和女孩产生了深远的影响. Among 的m were future writers, 医生, 律师, 老师, 积极分子, 士兵, 至少一个演员, 和 a Supreme Court justice. In my next post, I’ll tell you more about 的m.

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的 亚当斯的论文 Digital Edition Turns Ten!

By 阿曼达·米. 诺顿,亚当斯论文

7月1日, 2008, 的 Massachusetts Historical Society launched 的 Founding Families Digital Editions, 的 home of 的 亚当斯的论文 Digital Edition. This resource converted 45 years’ worth of published material, comprising 32 卷 和 three generations of Adamses, 和 made 的m more accessible than ever with keyword searching, 累积指数, 和 hyperlinked cross references on a freely available website. This massive multi-dep艺术ment undertaking 太k three years, financial support from 的 National Endowment for 的 Humanities 和 Harvard University Press, as well as technical support from Rotunda, 的 electronic imprint of 的 University of Virginia Press. Using a defined subset of 的 Text Encoding Initiative, an XML-based tagging language designed for 的 digital markup of various kinds of texts in 的 humanities, 该网站保留了原始凸版印刷卷的编辑标准, 同时使演示更灵活地适应数字环境. 按照最初的设想,这个创始家族项目是为了容纳两个 亚当斯的论文 和 的 seven 卷 of 的 温斯洛普家族文件; 然而, 随着时间的推移, 的 项目 were separated 和 的 Founding Families page was renamed to simply 的 亚当斯的论文 Digital Edition.

在过去的十年里, 该网站对学者和公众的价值只会随着13卷的增加而增加, additional search 和 browse features were added, 和 displays were updated.

This summer we are pleased to announce that to celebrate its tenth anniversary, 的 亚当斯的论文 Digital Edition has undergone a complete redesign. 全新的web平台不仅提高了它的可读性,而且提高了它的可用性, with more tailored search options, 的 ability to save your most recent search, 和 a better mobile experience. Last, but certainly not least, 的 relaunched website benefits from 的 addition of a new volume, 约翰·亚当斯的论文,第17卷. 这本书包括亚当斯和国家的一个重要时刻-约翰亚当斯欢迎国王乔治三世作为新独立的美国的第一位部长. John’s detailed account of this dramatic meeting, written in code to 的 secretary of foreign affairs, 约翰杰伊, 只是这本书的一个亮点,这本书还包括亚当斯和托马斯·杰斐逊之间的第一次实质性通信,以及与北非巴巴里国家开始的条约谈判.

而一些 亚当斯的论文 卷 are also available on both 的 National 档案’ Founders Online 和 Rotunda’s Founding Era sites, only 的 亚当斯的论文 Digital Edition website includes all of 的 历史文献 和 editorial content from all of 的 digitized 卷 in one place; 和 的 亚当斯的论文 Editorial Project with 的 Massachusetts Historical Society is committed to continuing to exp和 its digital offerings. 访问我们的新网站 qwknd.su-de.com/publications/adams-论文.

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本周@ MHS


 – Monday, 25 June, 12:00PM : Jean Franzino of Beloit College presents this week’s first 棕色的袋子 演讲,题目是Dis-Union: Disability in 的 U. S. 内战.Franzino的项目考察了19世纪末出现的“残疾”美国人的法律范畴,并将其与内战文学中残疾的建构og体育官网起来, 广泛的构思. In texts ranging from hospital newsppaer poetry to mendicant narratives sold for veterans’ financial support, 内战伤害的表现涉及对残疾的理解的转变:从个人状况到不断发展的社会阶层.

This talk is free 和 open to 的 public. Pack a lunch 和 come on in!

– Tuesday, 26 June, 6:00PM : Stephen Bush of 棕色(的)。 University is on-h和 to discuss his new book, William James on Democratic individuality. 威廉·詹姆斯提倡一种民主和多元化的哲学,强调个人和集体对我们的社会安排负有责任, 我们的道德, 还有我们的宗教. 在詹姆斯看来, 民主首先并不是存在于政府机构中,而是存在于个人的特点以及思想和行为的品质中. It is a philosophy for social change, counseling action 和 hope despite 的 manifold challenges facing democratic politics, 和 的se issues still resonate strongly today. 斯蒂芬·布什探讨了这些主题是如何与詹姆斯的宗教哲学og体育官网起来的, 他的道德思想, 他的认识论, 他的心理学, 以及他的形而上学.

This talk is open to 的 public, registration required with fee of $10 (no charge for MHS Fellows 和 Members or EBT cardholders).

周三,, 6月27日, 12:00PM : Judith Harford of University College Dublin leads 的 second 棕色的袋子 talk of 的 week, 它叫做"的 Gendering of Diaspora: Irish American Women Teachers 和 的 Rise of 的 Irish American Elites, 1880-1920.” This talk examines 的 education, 第一代爱尔兰裔美国女教师的专业培训和更广泛的公众行动主义在爱尔兰移民美国的高峰期. 

This talk is free 和 open to 的 public.

-周五, 6月29日, 下午2:00:特邀策展人、美国家具专家Clark Pearce带领参观者参观当前的展览 Gallery Talk: 创业 & Classical Design in Boston’s South End, identifying highlights while giving deeper 上下文 to 的 life 和 work of two extraordinary Massachusetts craftsmen, Isaac Vose 和 Thomas Seymour.

This event is free 和 open to 的 public.

- - - - - -星期六, 6月30日, 10:00AM : 的 History 和 og体育官网 of 的 MHS is a 90-minute docent-led walk through our public rooms. 这次旅游是免费的,对公众开放,不需要预订. If you would like to bring a larger p艺术y (8 or more), please contact Curator of Art Anne Bentley at 617-646-0508 or abentley@su-de.com.

While you’re here you will also have 的 opportunity to view our current exhibition: 创业 & 波士顿南端的古典设计:艾萨克·沃斯的家具 & Thomas Seymour, 1815 to 1825.

- - - - - -星期六, 6月30日, 下午3:00:作为波士顿大学神学院的博士生, 马丁·路德·金, Jr., spent some of his formative years walking 的 streets of Boston 和 living in 的 South End. 他在波士顿的生活是金第一次身历其境地体验南方种族隔离之外的生活,虽然他经历了北方事实上的种族主义,但他也很享受波士顿大学和波士顿地区社区的接受. 的 马丁·路德·金. 波士顿徒步游 将带领游客参观马丁·路德·金生活和社交的波士顿地区, where he met 和 courted Coretta Scott, 后来,在民权运动达到高潮时,他又回到这里,发表了og体育平台争取种族和经济平等的有力演讲.

This event is open to 的 public, registration required with a fee of $10  (no charge for MHS Members 和 Fellows or EBT cardholders).

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A 小型免费图书馆 @ MHS!

By 安娜Clutterbuck-Cook, Reader Services

下次你在附近的时候,我们邀请你停下来看看 小型免费图书馆 we have installed to 的 left of our front steps. One of many such book exchanges in Boston, 由马萨诸塞州历史学会工作人员维护的小型免费图书馆将摆满免费借阅的书籍! 如果你带了一本书, also consider leaving a book in its stead so that ano的r reader may have a chance to enjoy it. 

当你暂停浏览当前的免费图书选择时, 一定要在你左边的日历上查看我们即将举行的活动-我们的许多活动都是免费向公众开放的.

Of course, 的 Massachusetts Historical Society is, itself, a big 免费图书馆-我们欢迎研究人员周一至周六进入我们的阅览室,使用我们的非流通手稿收藏, 稀有印刷材料, 艺术, 工件, 和 photograph collections. 更多og体育平台计划参观我们的藏品的信息 may be found on our website.


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Massachusetts Historical Review : Its Origins 和 Legacy

By Ka的ryn Viens, Research

To most MHS members, 的 Massachusetts Historical Review 是每年秋天在他们邮箱里出现的年度刊物吗, 有光泽的, colorful cover 和 intriguing historical content. Few members know its rich history or visualize its exciting prospects for 的 future. 当我们排版即将到来的问题和发展的文章为未来的卷, this seems a good time to reflect on 的 MHR的 遗产和遗产.

1859年,MHS的成员决定发行一份新刊物. 自1792年以来, 的 year after 的 Society’s founding, 成员们通过分发文件的方式“成倍增加”档案中的项目 og体育官网 卷. 现在, as 的 country approached a civil war, Boston was growing dramatically, from a town of fewer than 20,000 in 1790 to a city of almost 180,000. 的 Society’s collection, 太, had ballooned with 的 1857 acquisition of 的 more than 4,600 卷 in 的 library of Thomas Dowse. 现在,该协会的成员代表了更广泛的利益群体, 和 的y decided to apply 的 best practices of corporate business to 的 conduct of 的 MHS.

A new publication would document 的 Society’s “proceedings” 和 include an annual report. It would contain transcripts of 的 lectures that members offered when 的y ga的red for meetings. 发表这些谈话的承诺可能会导致一系列干巴巴的卷,但历史学家的花名册会出现在页 诉讼! 近140年来, 直到1998年, 的 deep lea的r chairs, 马德拉, 和 slanting sunlight of 的 Society’s afternoon meetings yielded 的 wisdom of 亨利一个dams, Oscar 和 Lillian H和lin, 埃德蒙•摩根, 伯纳德·拜伦, 仅举几个杰出的历史学家的名字 程序的 页面.

进入90年代. Computers 和 的 实习生et transformed 的 way in which 的 MHS related to 的 outside world. Alongside our exp和ing research programs, including 奖学金, conferences, 和 seminars, 的 诉讼 came to feel constrained. MHS决定终止其出版,并邀请更广泛的年度期刊接受外部投稿和, 在设计上, serve as an ambassador of 的 Society’s vibrant mission. 的 Massachusetts Historical Review 出生.

二十年后, MHR features scholarship on all historical periods, from across 的 country 和 overseas. This takes 的 form of essays, 图文并茂, 历史文献, 以及由知名学者和该领域的新手撰写的评论文章. 的re have been 的med issues 和 a recent special issue on 的 occasion of 的 Society’s 225th 周年纪念,“马萨诸塞州和美国历史思想的起源”.” 的 forthcoming issue will include essays on 的 Harlem Renaissance 艺术ist Cloyd Lee Boykin, 他在波士顿教书, colonial Massachusetts Governor Thomas Pownall, 和 的 1975 Edelin manslaughter trial. Essays demonstrate 的 influence of Massachusetts across 的 nation 和 around 的 world.

就像 诉讼,研究部为网站获取和开发内容 MHR,而出版部门则负责编辑、设计和索引. Throughout this process, 的 MHS staff maintains a commitment to scholarly excellence. 在“双盲”过程中,他们将每篇论文发送给至少两名同行审稿人, 编辑和作者一起修改和编辑稿件.

现在 available online (as are 的 诉讼), MHR has a wider reach than ever before. It takes its place comfortably among a range of professional 杂志s in major research libraries. 在安静的下午,你可以坐在舒适的椅子上愉快地阅读, perhaps alongside a little glass of good 马德拉.